Advanced Color & Highlighting
Junior, Senior, Master & Premium level stylists are available to accommodate everyone's hair goals. All prices are subject to change depending on hair length, thickness & texture.
Hair Painting Technique / Balayage
Full $225 - $300
Partial $125 - $200
Accent / Face Frame $70 - $125
Advanced Coloring
Multi-Technique $240+ - $400+
*combination of 3 or more color
and/or highlighting techniques
Color Correction $300+ - $450+
*Consultation Required and may
need multiple sessions before
desired look is achieved
Touch up with Lightener (bleach) $75 - $90
Bleach Out (whole head) $240 - $350
Vivids / Fashion Colors $25 - $55 / per section
*no lightening required
Vivids / Fashion Colors $240+ - $350+
*lightening of 50% or more